A Natural Resources Inventory for Gardiner

>> The NRI Online Mapping Tool is now LIVE! <<
Access and view in extensive, interactive
detail Gardiner’s Natural Resources Inventory Maps and information.

Watch the presentation on this exciting new resource.

NATURAL RESOURCES INVENTORY FOR THE TOWN OF GARDINER: The Environmental Conservation Commission and Open Space Commission, in conjunction with the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation created a detailed Natural Resources Inventory (NRI) presented for public use in January 2021. All available data and reports are available online using the Interactive NRI Mapping Tool. The Natural Resources Inventory describes the Town of Gardiner’s fresh water, parks, natural habitats and scenic spaces that are essential to ensure continued prosperity, quality of life and responsible growth for our Town.

>> Click here to read and download the NRI Narrative Report <<

View / Download the Natural Resources Inventory Maps using links below.

Please note that preview images will not show full map details. Right-click each link to save pdf files to your computer for full-detailed viewing, using the image zoom feature. (+ / -)

Select individual maps from the following list:

  1. Base Map / (Copy of map with SP zones)

  2. Aerial View

  3. Topography

  4. Steep Slopes

  5. Bedrock Geology

  6. Surficial Geology and Glacial Deposits

  7. Soils

  8. Aquifer Recharge Areas / (Copy of map with SP zones)

  9. Streams and Watersheds

  10. Water Quality Classifications

  11. Floodplains and Riparian Areas

  12. Stream Habitats

13A. Wetlands and Wetland Soils 

13B. Wetland Habitats 

14. Ecological Context / (Copy of map with SP zones)

15. Habitats

16. Unique Upland Habitats / (Copy of map with SP zones)

17. Important Biodiversity Areas / (Copy of map with SP zones)

18. Large Forests

19. Intact Habitat Cores

20. Climate Resilience for Biodiversity

21. Agricultural Resources

22. Preserved Land

23. Cultural Resources

Presentation of the Gardiner Natural Resources Inventory
on 10/13/20 - Click Video Below:

Overview presentation of the Gardiner Natural Resources Inventory by Nate Nardi-Cyrus on October 13, 2020

Click here for Natural Resources Inventory Minutes & Agendas

The NRI Project compiles information on important, naturally occurring resources within a given locality; such as forests, streams, wetlands, and critical habitats, as well as scenic, and recreational assets.

Please refer to this NRI fact sheet from the NYS DEC website. https://www.dec.ny.gov/docs/remediation_hudson_pdf/nrifactsheet.pdf

The Town of Gardiner NRI Project contains a series of maps and a report with narrative descriptions, supporting data tables, and recommendations.

All available data and reports are available online using the interactive NRI Mapping Tool. Data will continue to be reviewed, updated where possible, and gaps identified for future study. The inventory serves as an essential tool for the Town by officially identifying sensitive land, water and habitat resources.

Link to Cornell University Publication: Creating a Natural Resources Inventory: A Guide for Communities in the Hudson River Estuary Watershed.

Link to: April 2014 Habitat Map Report: Gardiner and Shawangunk Ulster County, New York