Town Roads VS. County Roads

 If your road has a painted yellow center line and/or a painted white fog line along the edge of pavement, it is maintained by either the State or Ulster County. Inquiries, complaints or permit applications for these roads need to be sent directly to that agency. We apologize for any inconvenience. 

To report a problem or for more information about County Roads (Albany Post Road, Bruynswick Road, Tillson Lake Road, McKinstry Road, Sandhill Road), contact the Ulster County DPW at 845-340-3100.

To report a problem or for more information about state-maintained highways (US 44-55, NY 208, NY 299), contact the New York State Department of Transportation, Resident Engineer at 845-331-5533.

Parking on town roads is prohibited between the hours of 9:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. November 15 through March 31. All vehicles parked on the roadways within the town during a storm will be towed away at the owner's expense.